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Finance Board Minutes 04/30/2014

         Town of Holland, MA—Finance Board      
                               Meeting Minutes

                                            April 30, 2014  

Call To Order

The Chairman called to order a meeting of the Holland Finance Board at 7:40 PM on April 30, 2014 at the Holland Town Hall.

Roll Call

Finance Board members present:  Andrew Harhay, Ernest Fancy, John Phelps and Mike Brady. Selectboard member present: Jim Wettlaufer.

Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes of the April 16, 2014 had been previously distributed for review. The minutes were unanimously approved, as written.

Open Issues

Proposed Major Capital Purchases:
  • It was agreed that the only major capital purchase to be proposed for FY15 will be for a new Highway dump truck at an estimated cost of $183K; funding source will be a loan.
  • Detailed requirements relative to potential purchase of a tanker for the Fire Department will be developed during FY15, with purchase to be considered in FY16. One option to be considered is putting the current, 2,000 gallon tank or a new 3,000 gallon tank on the bed of the 1996 International dump truck.
  • The Police Explorer was inspected by the Highway mechanic; he felt that the only repair required at this time is replacement of the rear springs. If the exhaust system and catalytic converter needed replacement during the course of FY15, the cost would be ~ $1,500. It was agreed to maintain the 2005 Explorer for another year.
Latest Revenue Projection: The HWM proposal is being reviewed by the SWM and will then go to the House-Senate Compromise Committee. We hope to have an approved State budget prior to the ATM. The current revenue projection for FY15 is $6,334,632 for appropriation plus $84,735 in Free Cash.

FY15 Budget Operating Expense Line Items:
  • Executive Secretary Salary line remains open until BOS decides whether HR responsibilities will be shifted from Treasurer to Executive Secretary; $3,532 might be added to line item.
  • Line item to replace some or all carpeting and tiles in Town Hall will be left open until BOS provides a recommendation..
  • Recommendation on whether to fund an emergency power system for Town Hall to be provided by BOS.
  • Proposed Certification Incentives established as line items in the Assessor and Treasurer budgets.
  • Proposed Capital Purchases Stabilization funded for $65,000.
Next Meetings

  • May 6, 2014 – Public Hearing
  • May 21, 2014 – Final Meeting Prior to ATM
  • May 27, 2014 - ATM
`The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:45 PM.

Minutes submitted by:  Andrew Harhay, Chairman

cc:  Board of Selectmen, Town Clerk, Treasurer, Collector, Assessors, Accountant